Thanks. I love your room / system. Looks great… nice place to listen. While @kota1 brings up good observations that improvements in the venue could really improve the sound. Typically, I would do that after you have all the components you want to live with.
If you are not hearing a real improvement in sound quality… regardless of how good or not the rest of your system, i’m not sure it is justifiable to keep the speakers.
So, more questions. Typically, a system might cost / value 30 - 35% speakers, 20% streamer, 20% preamp, 20% amp. So, are you intending to just swap one thing (speakers) or upgrade your whole system?
If you want to upgrade your system… you might want to take time and audition different speakers until you find some you love. Also, audition integrated amps. I recently did so with three,., that are all well respected contemporary integrated amps with vastly different character: Luxman, Pass, and Audio Research. Luxman is really detailed (not very musical), the Pass is powerful. Detailed and musical, the Audio Research incredibly musical (I just fall into the music). Audition these and you will get an idea what high quality components can do. Coupled with speakers that speak to you and you will have a system far beyond your current system… likely to take you the next twenty years… well, we will have to get you a better streamer and DAC… but that comes later.