Thank you for posting your feedback. I’m glad to hear you found Muon Filter and Ethernet cable effective in your system. If I may make a suggestion, try the 聖HIJIRI SM2R-L "SOUND MATTER" Power Cord for your LDMS. This is an amazing cord for the money considering it will get you very close to TAKUMI sound. I am reposting my impressions below. I think you will be very happy with SM2R-L over Nagomi.
“The 聖Hijiri SM2R-L power cord took 300+ hours to open up. My listening test were conducted at 400 mark.
For direct A/B comparison with “TAKUMI”, I swapped the SM2R-L back n forth on my Accuphase Integrated. I listened to variety of high resolution files stored on my Aurender SSD and Qobuz.
What struck me immediately is the similarities between the SM2R-L and TAKUMI power cords. I heard much of the same characteristics of 聖Hijiri TAKUMI maestro in SM2R-L i.e. conveying the music in a most natural way without emphasizing any elements of music and with finesse and fluidity. Again with SM2R-L, the designer's emphasis remained on the mid-range. The vocals through this PC were simply stunning and my connection with music was just as engaging as with “TAKUMI” power cords. IMHO, the SM2R-L fills the performance/price gap between the NAGOMI and TAKUMI power cords nicely. I don't think SM2R-L meant to compete with TAKUMI's so in that aspect, SM2R-L has easily surpassed my expectations at 60% cost of TAKUMI's. Switching back and forth between "TAKUMI" and SM2R-L revealed why I'm still biased towards TAKUMI's :-) The TAKUMI’s in my system simply digs deeper into the music and reveals every nuances you didn’t know you were missing with SM2R-L or Nagomi power cords. It’s not like SM2R-L is lacking in details or holding back anything but you’re in different stratosphere of resolution with TAKUMI’s.
Is SM2R-L worth the 2X cost of Nagomi's? Well, I'll let you be the judge of that! I do honestly believe, if you hear both of these power cords in your system, there is a darn good probability that you're going to end up preferring SM2R-L over Nagomi's. ”