I really appreciate your update. I can't wait to read about the AC gear you have coming on WBF around Christmas!
I also really appreciate your excellent comments on Hijiri. It seems nearly all who try them buy them. I've spoken to Colin a number of times on cables as well as DACs and streamers. His reputation precedes him, he is a gentleman. Like yourself, I believe @grannyring also uses Hijiri power cords but uses a different brand of interconnects, Tchernov if I remember right. I think that Lalit may use Sternklang as well, again if my memory is correct. As the OP of this thread, I do want to try Hijiri, but I want to finish the Network side of my front end first. I appreciate the comments on NA Muon Pro Streaming System, that is one of two items I am considering. What I really like about it is that is it passive, so no power cord or LPS or DC lead. And it has a number of positive user comments already.
Will thanks again for coming by and commenting on Hijiri.