聖HIJIRI Users thread

Based on a discussion with another forum member, I've been reading up on this Comback Corporation brand. The reviews I've found have been pretty positive, but I've also learned over the years to take all reviews with a grain of salt. So the purpose of this thread is for users to share their input on 聖HIJIRI cables. When you share, if you'd discuss what model of HIJIRI you demoed and what brands/models they were compared to, that'd be very helpful.

A little background: a few years ago I was reading the Audio Envy threads and decided to give them a try as the seemed to compete with much higher-priced cable.  So I decided to give AE a try. I found both the $179 P2 and the $279 M3 to easily best an Isotek power cord at $1k. So that got me thinking even more about value products. I was about to give Zavfino a try and then was given another recommendation to give HIJIRI a try. So this is how I got here. I'll be very interested to hear all user comments on HIJIRI and this should be a good repository for the brand.

Here is their website: www.combak.net



I really appreciate your update. I can't wait to read about the AC gear you have coming on WBF around Christmas!

I also really appreciate your excellent comments on Hijiri. It seems nearly all who try them buy them. I've spoken to Colin a number of times on cables as well as DACs and streamers. His reputation precedes him, he is a gentleman. Like yourself, I believe @grannyring also uses Hijiri power cords but uses a different brand of interconnects, Tchernov if I remember right. I think that Lalit may use Sternklang as well, again if my memory is correct. As the OP of this thread, I do want to try Hijiri, but I want to finish the Network side of my front end first. I appreciate the comments on NA Muon Pro Streaming System, that is one of two items I am considering. What I really like about it is that is it passive, so no power cord or LPS or DC lead. And it has a number of positive user comments already. 

Will thanks again for coming by and commenting on Hijiri.


My friend, I sure appreciate the repost of your comments on Hijiri. It seems the 聖Hijiri SM2R-L power cord is the sweet spot and the pricing makes it more doable when I need 4 power cords. I'm taking notes and thinking it through. Again, thanks for the insightful feedback.


You’re welcome my friend! As to your earlier post, I am using full loom of 聖HIJIRI “Million” series in my system. As far as SM2R-L PC, it’s currently being used on my SACD player along with Sternklang XLR IC’s. I’ve written in detail on Sternklang cables in my thread, check it out. As I mentioned earlier, SM2R-L has a gorgeous sound and I’m glad Combak decided to revive this cable. In any case, I recommend auditioning both SM2R-L and TAKUMI in your system and let your ears guide you. 

I love Hijiri and Sternklang.  Tchernov just never did it for me.  I would be willing to try the Hijiri SM2 but I would need to sell the Nagome if there is any interest out there.  

I use the Nagomi power cords throughout my system and the Hijiri HCS speaker cables. Liked the Tchernov Ultimate USB and ICs in my system when  paired with Hijiri. Great combo!