Here are my thoughts.
As some have mentioned, you don't have to go through the entire process if you don't think its necessary. It functions as any other ultrasonic tank. Although it becomes an expensive system to do so.
The idea that records spacing and direction of the ultrasonic devices matters, appears to make sense, and the tests with foil corroborate this. I cannot see how this arrangement cannot be beneficial.
The two 33 1/3 record is a limitation for sure. Wish it could do more. But the drop in the slot set up is convenient and that looks beneficial.
Changing fluid after 25 records. This point should apply to any ultrasonic tank, as all records will be dirty to an extent. If you are using it for touch up, then I imagine the time interval can be extended. Unless you can filter to the micron level every tank is going to suffer from this issue.
Finally, the noise level question is in regards to using it in my dining room which is just off my audio room. It would be nice to run it and still have music playing in the background while I wait. I have a 2 by 2 cube I have records in which would be a nice place to store it. I can use the dining room table for sleeves and processing while I clean, and then put everything away in a jiffy. If I can listen to casual music during the process that is a plus.
Oh as far as drying goes. I have noticed in my current ultrasonic tank that records come out pretty dry as is, and given a bit of time they do air dry quickly. I also tried drying with a VPI 16.5 and then later a Record Doctor since its orientation is more favorable for doing ultrasonic cleaned records. I am not convinced this is a benefit over air drying. I think the opportunity to add noise exists here.