If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers

To listen to at the upcoming Axpona, in the 10 - 20k range driven by a great solid state amp which ones would you search for? Yes understand listening conditions and room setups can make or break a system but just trying to narrow some choices. Thank you.


Definitely check out the Upscale Audio booth, check out Tannoy’s……and TAD if the are as well


"If you can afford $30K speakers you certainly deserve them"

I know 14 or so people personally on this Planet who can afford 30K speakers (without starving their children) and at least 12 of them don’t deserve it, according to me, their parents, their children and all our mutual acquaintances. But those are  not representatives of the wealthy necessarily just the lowlifes in my bubble.

And I also know about about 120 who definitely deserve it but couldn’t afford 3K speakers or even 300 dollar speakers.

That was my socialist nonsense for April, everybody can relax.

Thanks for all of your suggestions here. I know I ended up adding several rooms to my list because of them!

For those bucks I would be looking at ditching the power amp and using the extra funds to go active with ATC. We’re talking a completely different level..