No experience with Falcons but with classic jazz and blues and human voice reproduction, the Harbeth M30.2 is one of the best if not the best. I find human voice to sound more lifelike on the 30.2 than SHL5+, all pre XD models. I’m not sure if the tables are turned with the current XD models.
As Deadhead had suggested (which I agree), it’s hard rock or music with explosive dynamics where the Harbeth will be slightly lacking when compared to other modern speakers. The Harbeth will also not reproduce the nuance and fine detail in the music when compared to ultra-revealing speakers usually in the price range of more than $8k but they will mostly beat them all when it comes to reproducing vocals with organic warmth and richness.
My experience with the Harbeth spans from more than a decade ago with the SHL5 before I upgraded to SHL5 Plus midway through the ownership. I now own Marten Duke 2 and Graham LS5/9.