All I did was answer your questions. Sorry if I offended you.
I am here to show there is a superior methodology that exists in this industry and has for a very long time. We are capable of explaining more, having more experience, and seeing through the newfound world of decoupling products and their hundreds of manufacturers with their own stories.
Robert, I find your continued dishonesty, coupled with arrogance, to be deeply off-putting.
Had you joined this thread and made it clear that you manufacture and sell coupling devices (e.g. spikes, etc.), then readers might have better understood your efforts to denigrate decoupling devices. Instead, you made no clear mention of your conflict of interest, and attempted, dishonestly, to argue that decoupling is somehow unscientific.
Now you claim to have a "superior methodology", and the ability to see "through the newfound world of decoupling products and their hundreds of manufacturers with their own stories."
Never mind that Isoacoustics and Townsend Audio, arguably the two leaders in decoupling technology for audiophiles, have been in business for over 10 and 20 years respectively. Never mind that some very high-class manufacturers (e.g. Marten, Wolf von Langa, Spatial, Dynaudio, etc.) are including such products with some of their models.
So no, it's not a "newfound world", but one with decades of R&D and sales to its credit. And any suggestion that those manufacturers are somehow missing the boat because they aren't using your products instead would be dubious, to put it very kindly.
Let me be clear about something: I have not heard your products, and make no judgement about them. Perhaps they are excellent in some applications, and represent very good value. But even if that were true it would be beside the point.
I have no problem with manufacturers or dealers marketing their products, but have no patience for those who choose to do so in other than a transparent, and straightforward manner. If you were willing to give some credit to other manufacturers, and recognize the value of decoupling devices in certain applications, I, and I expect other readers, would likely be more open to your efforts to differentiate your products.
As it stands, I see mostly hyperbole, dubious tactics, and arrogance.