Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.

An audiophile buys a pair of speakers for $50K or $100K then asks what amps make them sound best. That’s about as smart as marrying a girl without knowing her personality. What are the specs that will insure your expensive new speakers and amps will work optimality with each other? There’s got to be an app for that, well no there isn’t because there are too many variables and companies don’t present their specs in a standard ways. Why is it that speaker and amplifier manufactures don’t recommend specific amps for their speakers? Beyond power, impedance, and making your own crossovers how do you choose amplifiers to get all the potential out of your speakers?


@kota1, buy the time Henry started making cars there was already a blooming race car industry and hand made cars for the wealthy. What people would have said was "cheaper cars so we can have fun also." Henry was a vicious antisemite and a hitler supporter. If Ford was the last car on earth I would resort to riding my bike. I do not watch TV or read adds. Marketing is nothing but the art of lying. Only Biden is better at it. 

@donavabdear, the 911 comment was tongue in cheek coming from a 911 junkie . You know darn well you have your AMG because it drives better than most cars and I shall assume you also love driving. I just drove an AMG E 63 Wagon. JEEZE what a wagon. Poor Lewis though. Stuck with a sh-tty car. Life in F1. Hopefully, he does not switch teams. That is what killed Senna. 

The art of choosing an amplifier is first, understand the characteristics of the speakers you have chosen, always first. You are not going to put a SET under speakers with an efficiency of 84 dB/Watt/Meter. I went down the ESL road in 1979 and know what has always worked best, very large class A designs. I won't look at anything else. Read reviews and get a feel for the amps in contention. Look at what the majority of the users of your speakers like. I won't trust any one person's advice. Look at the largest population you can. For some people cost has to be a factor. They are limited to what they can or will afford. A system's  primary signature is the speakers and the room they are in, not the amplifier. You have to factor in your preferences. Some people have to have a tube amp. Some people like me are prone to turning the knob all the way up. We need a bigger amp. Listen and look. You do not have to have ears to see if an amp is well constructed. Chances are you will not be able to hear the amp on your speakers, but if they do a good job on the type of speaker you have you will be OK. Lastly, be willing to make mistakes. I have made plenty. I call them learning experiences. 

@grislybutter , I have my eye on the MC 20 Cielo. Beautiful thing. The 911 is special because you can drive it every day. You can put a weeks worth of groceries in the back. You can put your bicycles and skies on top. You can drive the all wheel drive versions in the winter time without worrying about swapping ends. I do mine. It is not IMHO a thing of beauty. The newer ones are way too sophisticated. A 911 is supposed to be on the rustic side, like a GT3 with a manual tranny. The MC 20 Ceilo is a thing of beauty. You don't even have to drive it, Just looking at it will do.

@secretguy, no comment. 





so until about 15 years ago I was not a 911 fan. I thought the design was bland. But it grew on me, while I am still not crazy about it but I get it. It's lines are smooth as butter, clean and efficient. And then I drove one and I understood why it's so popular. It's not complicated like most Italian cars, reliable and still fun. 

The Cielo is beautiful. I am a big Biturbo fan and of its descendants in the 90s. I like the unassuming look and the wild ride, when all your passengers are screaming and reaching for your neck, but they are too busy holding onto the edge of their seat....

As a manufacturer and repair company we get to hear more than our share of equipment.  Specs don't really work and can be used as a guide but that won't guarantee success.  We recently repaired a SET amp 28wpc that drove the heck out of a pair of vandersteen sevens at 83db.  So like already mentioned above trial and error baby!