TAS Recommended CD Tweak….

In The August issue of The Absolute Sound, RH gives a glowing review of a product from Digital Systems & Solutions – “UltraBit Platinum Optical Impedance Matching Disc Treatment System.” According to RH, he was floored and, “….This wasn’t a subtle difference; there was a wholesale increase in apparent resolution, space, clarity, soundstage dimensions, and vividness.”
Apparently, this is a liquid solution that is applied to CDs and DVDs ($65/bottle).

Regardless of the whole “advertising thing,” I don’t believe someone like RH would put his reputation on the line by giving a bogus review. I wonder what, “This wasn’t a subtle difference…” means to the average person’s ears?

Also, in the same article, RH makes the statement, “…Similarly, it’s incontrovertible that a CD-R burned from a CD sounds better than the original CD.” I did not know this. Have any of you come to the same conclusion?
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I'll be dammed! Thanks Tvad. I'm a tad less ignorant tonight. Only a tad mind you. :-)
I had the top Sony ES cd player hooked up to their top cd recorder for awhile. My then 14 year old daughter asked me to copy a friend's cd. Thinking it was a good way to see what she was listening to, I got a book and began to listen as I recorded. Not bad says I, and then I thought I heard electric violins in the background, but they were covered up by something. So I listened to the copy. There were those violins, clear and out in the open, as were the spaces in between the music, as if the recording had been cleaned up and made clearer. Noise reduction? Seemed like it.
I have no personal experience with the D,S&S, but I do use a product manufactured by LAT International (along with a myriad of other mods).

However, the differences with using the LAT "Optical Enhancer" are quite profound.

In terms of physical properties, "Impedance Matching", whether of electrical properties or otherwise, are quite real. I might also mention there are other advantages to the LAT product in that it also has a static reducing agent. Stray electrostatic energy and lasers is not very nice together sonically. For those doubting naysayers, I've attached an interesting patent white paper provided to me by fellow Audiogonr' Davehrab. Interesting reading regarding electrostatic effects on laser playback systems.

Spinning CDs

I hope others find it interesting also. Ed.