Speakers sounding dull? MUST READ! The truth about speaker design!

Do your speakers sound dull and lifeless?  Well that's because speakers are not made from real musicians, or even real musical instruments.  Well I alone have a solution for this...





@kenjit whether you are a Human, an Android or a Bot, I have to admire your tenacity as despite the amount of stick you get on here you keep coming back for more. 😂

@kenjit   Noted you don't tolerate imperfection.  No, you insist on being a total failure.

And if you don't tolerate imperfection, how come you don't punctuate correctly?

No-one believes a word you say.  I doubt even you do.

@timlub - there are a few speaker manufacturers that only use the front panel to mount drivers like Nola.  Any opinion on their products?  Also do you have an opinion on field coil speaker designs?


You can PM me if you want.


Kind of a waste of time to read any of this other than it seems like a parody of an actual relevant audio discussion.


@wolf_garcia - I’m deeply offended, what actually relevant discussion do you think I parodied?? 😆