I find it interesting that many long-time posters here on the 'Gon are still skeptical of CD enhancing treatments. Until you try them and truly form a solid opinion, you are losing credibility.
I don't know why the stuff works, it just does. I have tried several different brands of liquid enhancers and each one causes a different sound in CD playback. Why? Don't worry about it.
Yes, I was initially skeptical at first too, but I tried one and was intrigued. That first treatment was Optrix. After trying a couple more different types, I decided to give Liquid Resolution a spin. Holy smoke...that stuff is great! Why? Still don't worry about it.
Yes, RH is correct about UltraBit changing the sound of CD's. His theory of why it works is a different story.
Who knows Audiofeil, perhaps billy mays already sells it :-)
Now it's your turn.