A couple of things to try.. first, re-route all cables making sure that the low level cables (interconnects) are at 90deg to any power cable they need to cross. Make sure speaker cables are kept away from power cables.
If that doesn't help, turn everything off, disconnect any interconnect to the mono blocks and then turn them on. If you still hear the hiss, then it's from the amps. If you don't, then connect the interconnects but do not turn on the preamp. If hiss, then it's the connection (interconnects or the input of the amp). If no hiss, then connect the preamp (test first without it on and then with it on). And so on, work your way backwards until you identify the source.
I went through this exercise only to find that if I plugged in my integrated amp to a different outlet on my PS Audio PowerPlant, any and all hiss went away.