Buchardt S400 Mk II vs Sony SSCS 5 in Bass

I am still in the quest for a ideal bookshelf / stand mount as my secondary system. Recently I procured Buchardt S400 Mk II for in-home auditioning a month ago. The top end and midrange SQ is top-notch, airy and rich with dynamics. However, the bass is a bit on the light side to my taste. Although it is rated down to 33hz (- 3 dB) in room, I do not feel the bass is that impactful as compared to the Sony SSCS 5 which is only rated down to 53Hz (-3dB). Both me and my best half could hear more impactful, better-defined double bass notes from SSCS 5 than from S400. I was so puzzled / annoyed by this. Let me lay out the main specs that might affect the bass performance for comparison purpose.

                      Buchardt S400 Mk ii                Sony sscs 5

Woofer          6" paper cone (on top)             5.12" cone (on bottom)

Enclosure      1 rear 8"x5" passive radiator   1 rear port

Bass rating    33 Hz (-3dB)                            53 Hz (-3dB)

Efficiency       88 dB/m/w                               87 dB/m/w

Both were driven by the same components, speaker placements, supported by the semi-sphere silicone footers, and evaluated with the same music. Does the rear port design more effective than the passive radiator? Does the position of woofer affect the bass weight? Can someone, in particular who owned the S400, shed a light on this please?



Lanx I do not remember the MRK 2 being polite. However, they do not kick like my dynaudio speial 40’s. You should give them a try if they are in your budget. Almost any Dynaudio speaker will give you the sound you are looking for.. I just install the 400 speial edition and as soon as i touch the woofer the passive radiator moves. The special edition ist night and day different from the regular 400’s. I hear no problem with bass as it is very articulate even at low vol. Sound stage is incredible. Vocals are sublime. Make sure you give them time to break in. Let them play a whole day continues if you can. Every speaker I have purchased has change   Character after some time. I do have my speaker close to the rear wall if that means anything. 

Interestingly, before ordering S400 mk ii, the other two bookshelfs I had in mind are Special 40 and Confidence C1. I went through various reviews and the demo tracks and chose the S400 mk ii. From the tracks in the video listened with quality earphone, the bass from S400 is better suited to my taste, weightier and equally punchy and quick with Special 40. If you tune into 8:30 mark in the video clip and listen to "Drum Solo", you know what I am saying. However, that punchiness seems to disappear in my room. BTW, I have been auditioning it for more than 30 days and at least put in 150 hours of listening, not to mention I purchased a used pair. 

However, I do agree with you for all other characters such as SS, airiness, etc.  




I found the Dyna Contour to sound better than the Special 40. I think it's a pretty sweet deal, with a great balance of detail, imaging and warmth. I never heard the Heritage. It seems that everyone is lacking bass with these small-ish monitors. Harbeth?

I do use a sub(B&W DB3). I also have a Schitt Loki max eq and though I dont need it much, it can and does correct and music I listen to. With any bookshelf I recommend a sub. I have a pair of LS50 metas and with my sub those things can rock. Another speaker I have and enjoy is the Goldenear BRX. Lanx, I think you would like the Dunaudio, no matter  which one you chose. They have the warmth of the 400’s with a punchier bass, and better treble

Thx for the recommendations.  When I raised to my budget to $2k-$3k, the following speakers were on my radar.  Dynaudio Contour 20i was origianlly in my list but was ruled out because Stereophile mentioned it is picky in the component matching and placement and took the reviewer several days to finally dial in.  Anyway, it is kind of frustrated to me that I need to go back to the list for another round of venture or raise my budget again to go for those like Altlante 3/5, Sourcepoint 10, or Qualio IQ.

It is also interesting you brought up the EQ.  I did use the EQ in Foobar2000 and find it quite effective.  I like it but I prefer playing music from the Streamer rather than laptop and my streamer does not have EQ.  

I sort of shy away from adding a sub, primarily because I do not believe a separated sub could easily match the speed and texture of the main speakers.  I had tried at least three times (SVS and REL) but none of the sub. I have tried provide me satisfactory results.

Stand mount speakers in 30-40 hz

  • Dynaudio Special 40;                         $2050
  • Dynaudio Confidence C1                   $3000
  • Monitor Audio Gold 100 5G              $1800
  • Burchardt S400 Mk II                         $2100
  • Golden Ear BRX                                 $1750
  • Proac Tablette 2000                            $750
  • Proac D2R                                          $3000
  • Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mk2 or SE      $900
  • Dynaudio Focus 160                           $900
  • Totem Mani 2                                     $1500
  • PMC Twenty 22;                                $1700
  • Amphion Argon 3S                             $1700
  • Reference 3A MM de Capo i             $1500