What is the proper loudness for listening?

Paul McGowan via YouTube claims that each room, system and recording has a specific sound level at which music sounds most "real"

I've noticed this myself listening to my 3 different systems set up in differing rooms. Thought I was crazy to think so but I guess maybe I'm not?

Also, have notice in smaller listening rooms that lower maximum volume levels sound more real.  Going too high on volume in a small room just overloads it and results in distortion

Any comments?




+1 …. You never want to be even close to any OSHA or other government standards.. you can be sure they will be revised down many times as more data comes in. 

85 db or lower can be listened to for up to 8 hours without 

damage.  I listen at 85 average. Small or large room 85 db is 85db

small rooms just get there quicker

Good luck Willy-T

65-85 here. Depends on the music. Sometimes rock has to be played louder though.😁

My system seems to b able to play most jazz louder than rock, likely because it's recorded with less distortion.

In my listening room my speakers are 9 feet apart 3 feet off the wall and my listening position is 11 feet away from the speakers I have no side wall issues and vaulted ceiling  I have a very powerful D class amp 500watts@8ohm 650@4ohms and 1,200 watts@1ohm  I typically listen to music around 75db with peaks in the mid 80's  My amp really makes the inner detail and dynamics come alive compared to my tube amp  I'm afraid if I played any louder my neighbours would be on my porch with torches