Rogue Audio. Reliability issues? Anyone?

I recently have been loving an Atlas Magnum power amplifier. I had a tube go bad, a fuse blow, and now red-plating. All of this could be related. But I am trying to decide if I want to pay shipping both ways ($90 each way), pay Rogue’s $175 bench fee (minimum) and then spend ungodly amounts on tubes that are hard to find.

I have friends, two to be exact, inform me that Rogue is notorious for this crap and their amplifiers are money pits. Is this normal tube stuff? Should I go for it or cut my losses and buy something else. I really love the way it sounds amd I really want to love Rogue. 


My opinion, for what it's worth is that Rogue builds very reliable products of which I have owned numerous ones over the years.  Customer support when there is an occasional issue is EXCELLENT and fast.  Tube amps/preamps DO need some regular TLC - like checking the bias every 30 days or so to prevent issues like complete failure.  

Rouge builds great gear. Matched tubes are greatly overrated if the bias is used correctly or you amplifier has a reliable auto bias. I would fix it and quit wizzing away money on matched tubes. 

While admittedly a long time ago, I recommended Rogue to a friend. He bought a new amp. Within a short time a tube blew taking out some resisters. It was still under warranty, but they would not cover it. My friend argued with the founded. I think my friend ended up paying for it to be repaired. That is not a good way to get a good reputation. But lots of egg on my face. Rogue never gets my recommendation.

Another vote for Rogue's reliability. I've owned (and still do) two of their preamps RP-7 and RP9 as well as their power amp Stereo 100 for years and have zero issues with them.  Build and sound quality is excellent.  I did have the RP7 upgraded to the RP9, sent it to Rogue for the upgrade with ~2 week TAT.  Rogue is a quality company in my experience.

So a post above says they have manual bias.  turn the bias down by 10 mA and that should help a lot.  If it is a KT88 then maxx plate dissipation is 40 watts.  I'd run it at 30 watts and if having problems, I'd use  25 for a while.

You need to know your plate voltage.  It is pin 3.  Either measure it or find a reference for your amp (this is amplifier specific, not tube specific, don't use plate voltage max off the tube data sheet).  

Then calculate your bias:  25= Voltage x current so bias current  = 25/voltage. 
