New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.

I just popped one of these into my Zähl HM1 headphone amp next to an Audio Magic M1. Definitely a different sound, very wide and big soundstage, lots of bass punch. So far a little more resolution than the M1 and a surprising amount of color. I'm sure it will sound very different in a week, and also maybe having it in with the M1 might be a little weird. I might need another Purple. The M1 holds its own very well, but not as expansive and colorful. Maybe the M1 is more full and grounded/centered.

Have put the SR Master on hold. Bought the (impossible to get here) Sound Anchors stands, paid for mods to my DDC, looking at Stack Audio Auva, and a grounding box first. Maybe then a Puritan 156, if finances allow.

The Master fuse will come after those, and hopefully bring them all together nicely.

For me it comes down to bang for the buck.

If my situation changed, which would I rather have?



I received my SR Master fuse today

About the Lumin X1 fuse drawer  ; is the ´´ S ´´  side of the fuse  , inside or outside ?  SR fuses are directionals   S ——> R

I put the ´´S ´´ side of the Master Fuse  outside the drawer .   But I am not sure if it is the wright way .


Not sure of which, I put it in the same direction as my previous fuse, SR purple.
