Do yourself a favor, take the advice of Loomisjohnso, Timlub and Hew. Go with something like the Tekton M-Lore used, perhaps their 4.5s. The 4.5s, if you can find them will be less than $300. I believe a used pair of M-Lores were up for sale here on the A'gon for $450-500. As I think you know, I own these and play them primarily with SET. The M-Lore is 95db, 8 Ohm. Easy, easy to drive with 37hz Bass.
Read the Enjoy the Music review (it won their Blue Note Award). I think it was praised by Stereomojo and nicely included by Tim Smith in his 6 Moons review of the Coincident Dynamo 34SE. Personally, I've really enjoyed them and agree with the various reviewer opinions of them. Happy hunting.