Have 2 since they were +/- 2 months and were able to learn audio anything is Yes, in your turf but N/A for their amusement/vantage point(s)/napping/anything.
Clio' is Ev's lap, Ginger reminds me of Tuxy, who was a reserved kinda guy.
I want to build them a catio....but not so long ago lost Betty to a bumper.
Zed suddenly Bridged with a GI issue suddenly and expensively.
Reluctant to test Fate.
Clio' has bonded to dog Sunny; 15 years of off/on again cats, she could give a squat. She and The G stay out of each others' food, cool with each other.
Squirt gun if any critter forgets, hasn't occurred for quite awhile.
*Raps skull* Knock on wood. ;)