The New Amati G5 or Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene

I’ve owned a bunch of Sonus Faber Speakers and I just love their sound. I’ve had a chance to listen to the Joseph Audio Pearl Graphene and met Jeff Joseph at the Tampa Audio Show earlier this year. The Pearl Graphene’s sound very accurate, clean, fast and detailed. Maybe a little clinical…? I tend to the more emotional organic voice of the new Amati’s.

What do you guys think of the the Pearl Graphene…? 

Nice choice to have indeed…!



I think you completely answered your question in your post… Sonus Faber Amati. My last three sets of speakers have been Sonus Faber, the most recent are Amati Traditional. They have a very unique and musical sound I have not heard in any other speakers… when properly mated with electronics they are simply stunning. You have the perfect electronics to power them (same as mine).

To me there is nothing more disappointing than detailed speakers that compromise on rhythm and pace for the sake of extra resolution.

I think Joseph’s speakers are as good as any Sonus Faber. They absolutely do not compromise on anything. As they say, different strokes for different folks. I’ve heard the Pearls a couple of times and I will take them over any Sonus Faber any time. 

Another big JA fan here.  Clinical?  No.  Natural sound and just reproduce what they’re fed.  Pearls would be my end-game speaker.