Was I Expecting Too Much

Hi everyone.  I'm looking for a heading check with a situation I encountered yesterday.  


I'm planning to upgrade my turntable later this year - Q3 is my target.  After my research, I've narrowed down to AMG and Brinkmann.  I was able to audition an AMG Viella yesterday, and was looking to audition a Bardo or Taurus for comparison.  I know my thought of trying to fit in a Brinkmann demo was last-minute, and some dealers are particular when it comes to appointments and allowing them time to setup their demo.  

The Situation:

So I called the local Brinkmann dealer and inquired to see if a bardo or taurus happened to be setup.  The salesman I spoke with said they had both, and he was going to check if a demo was possible.  After a few minutes, I get a phone call back from the owner who seemed rather dismissive of my request.  I explained that I'm currently doing my research and looking to hear some demos to help down-select, and that my purchase would be a few months from now.  He asked for my budget which I found strange as I already stated what I was interested in demoing.  Then the conversation turned to what gear I already own, which I understand sort-of.  Then the owner basically said it doesn't make sense for me to demo anything now and to call back when I'm ready to purchase.  

How am I going to know what I want to purchase without demoing the options?

Was I expecting too much by asking to hear equipment that I'm interested in?  My opinion is a sale isn't guaranteed and an audio dealer, just like any other dealer, needs to invest some reasonable amount of time to capture a sale.  You don't capture all the sales, but I didn't think I was being unreasonable in my request and certainly was not trying to waste anyone's time.  I was pretty transparent with where I'm at and I guess he was reciprocating my transparency by telling me to go away.  I felt "less-than" by this experience.  As if I wasn't worth investing any time into.




@russ69 you must have a very low threshold for defining someone a tire kicker.

""Investing" in a future customer doesn't pay the bills."

The store was open under normal business hours, the staff was already there, hell the gear was even setup!  Surely my request doesn't add to their sunk cost or take from their bottom line.  I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and admit perhaps I'm adding opportunity cost.

"I'm also not sure how you compare the sound of tables with the endless differences in the supporting equipment."

That's true, trying to make sound comparisons between two tables on two completely different systems is going to be filled with conjecture, but there are other variables to compare like the operating experience.  I'm not going to drop 5 figures on something without getting my hands on it first.  Others may, and that's cool.

What a jerk!

In this day and age where there so few good Hifi stores left, it’s sad that any shop would treat a potential customer so poorly.

I can't believe that one poster defended this nonsense. I'd love to know what he does for a living so i could never deal with him.

I have several owned successful restaurants over 40 +  years & know something about guest service. That owner was being foolish & now probably lost the golden opportunity to gain another loyal customer. It’s a bit different In restaurants because have to eat everyday but repeat clientele is the heart & soul of just about any business. That could have been you!

Because turntables are so fragile, a home audition is tricky but in the price range of those fine turntables, a private session could be arranged in store possibly w/ some of your own stuff ( phono amp, amp, speakers, whatever). If they did this, treated you well & offered you a good deal on the spot, there’s a good chance you would buy right then or at least in a few months when you were actually ready. 

They clearly have no faith in their salesmanship for both the product & themselves. I would look elsewhere. 

Everybody knows what the problem is. It is the Internet. I ran into this at a local dealer. Looking for some Macintosh products. The first thing he said to me is.” are you here to shop or are you gonna buy one on the Internet used?” I kind of felt bad for the guy, that’s probably what I was going to do. I could tell it was burned out, and probably realize that he was at the end of his business life. I can only imagine the amount of people that they get going into the store Doing exactly what I was going to do. The way that I justify it is that if I buy something used from somebody with more money than me hopefully they’re going to a dealer and buying something new. But I have no way to guarantee that. It’s just the way of the world and retail is , the new person in the economy to take a hit. I had a bunch of friends who work around the printing industry and they all got their butt kicked 20 years ago. Now it’s stereo guys turn. I guess at some point we’re all going to get to take our turn .