Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Warning! If you have a weak heart, don’t watch these videos. This music may lead a pounding heart. A reason GR (song writer) didn’t put more bass.

Please post your favorite, opinion, or thought. Alex/Wavetouch

Original music https://youtu.be/bn_NTLlX1FU?t=32

Wavetouch audio https://youtu.be/8pgXyqMdlLE?t=48

Børresen M3 https://youtu.be/tapjNr9P20M

CSS (Jay Iyagi) https://youtu.be/npNqik_dz60?t=394

Post removed 

Even though this is basically meaningless (recorded in different rooms using different recording equipment then listening on a completely unrelated speaker or headphone) I will say the Borreson sounds the best by a mile. Not saying the WT sound bad or good in real life but from this video I thought it was very much lacking body and sounded tipped up. 


I will say the Borreson sounds the best by a mile. Not saying the WT sound bad or good in real life but from this video I thought it was very much lacking body and sounded tipped up. 

I respect your opinion. With different ears and you been hearing larger woofers, WT sound can be lacking body. My idea in speaker design is an accuracy. I did put more bass in WT, but I liked the less bass WT better. I decide to stay with the reference... the original music.

Both orig music and WT sounds are very much similar than with M3 sound. With all due respect, I am guessing if WT sound lacking body to your ears at the time, the orig music sound might be lacking body too to your ears. However, the orig music is the true ref and the sound to beat for any reproduction audio. Anything lots more sound than the true ref is a coloration or distortion. 

M3 sounds so good/powerful that it draws listeners right into its sound domain quickly and doesn't let go easily. With all due respect, your ears could be in un-natural sound hearing mode after hearing M3.  Alex/Wavetouch


@mihorn would love to see you at LoneStarAudiofest.com June 2, 3, 4

you only pay for the cost of the room.

I can’t be there at that time for a personal matter. Thanks for asking!

I will exhibit in THE Show (The home entertainment audio show in Cal) on June 9~11.  https://www.theshownow.com/  Alex/Wavetouch