Speaker recommendations :-)

Hi there good people 

In short, wanted to hear your ideas. I am into jazz and acoustic music and this is my equipment list, maybe it will help. Listening room is around 50m2 of area.  At this moment i dont have speakers, sold last one already. ( Wilson Sophia 3 ). 

Lamm M1.2Ref. monos,  

Lamm LL1.1. preamp ,

Lamm LP1 Phono. 

dCS Apex Vivaldi Dac + Cd+ Clock + Upsampler

Turntable: Chronos Pro


I am not looking for the “best speakers in the Universe”, just wanted to hear some ideas , maybe they will lead to new  interesting synergy of my system.


Thank you for your time :-)



JBL 4367, no really they are amazing I have been playing with a pair for a few days. I am a fan of the Sophia 3 but feel the 4367 betters it in every way. The bass is very textured and detailed from the 15” driver. They have the best highs I have ever heard. Not just shimmers but actually delineation of every high hat ride. 

For jazz and all things acoustic it is very difficult to beat Harbeth 40.2 / 40.3 XD or SHL5 XD or Plus. Listen to some on Youtube and you will understand. Their rich sound is apparent even on your computer speakers or earpods.

Of course the ATCs mentioned are great - 50s to 150s

The Ocean Way Eureka’s are phenomenal.

The ATC’s and Ocean Way’s are highly regarded by audio engineers and performers because of their accuracy, dynamics and clarity.

And the Harbeth’s are similar, but with a bit more warm, rich sound - which jazz and acoustic music requires.

All of these are a bit expensive, except for the Harbeth SHL5’s - and the ATC’s and Ocean Way’s are hard to find on the pre-owned market.

After those - and a bit easier to find on the pre-owned market would be some of the JBL’s noted, and the Klipsch Forte’s, Cornwall’s and La Scalla’s.

Again - listen to these playing jazz pieces on YouTube and you will quickly understand - compared to almost anything else - except for the Quad ESL 57’s, which are the benchmark / reference for jazz and acoustic sounds (which are a bit impractical - unless rebuilt by one of the Quad specialists).