Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Warning! If you have a weak heart, don’t watch these videos. This music may lead a pounding heart. A reason GR (song writer) didn’t put more bass.

Please post your favorite, opinion, or thought. Alex/Wavetouch

Original music https://youtu.be/bn_NTLlX1FU?t=32

Wavetouch audio https://youtu.be/8pgXyqMdlLE?t=48

Børresen M3 https://youtu.be/tapjNr9P20M

CSS (Jay Iyagi) https://youtu.be/npNqik_dz60?t=394



“Many people have devoted their life time to find the perfect natural sound reproduction audio and are searching for it right now. I did the same and I found the close to perfect natural sound audio.”

That’s your opinion that you and most manufacturers thinks. You’re using off the shelf parts just like any diy guy could do. To be honest you are such into the YouTube BS to evaluate a speaker and think that’s a real thing and IMO your speakers lose out in that matchup on a worthless YouTube video. Maybe your speakers sound great! I would hope so since you raised the price to 9.5k from 3k in a short time period. Must be selling like hotcakes. 

In this thread, I only display a sound comparison of audio systems. And I only talk about the natural sound and un-natural sounds. I read every posts in this thread and there is none promoting my products. Alex/Wavetouch

Why would there be? You talk about how every other speaker is crap and “only natural sound is WT”. Did you come here for compliments? Natural and un natural is subjective and to my ears on the BS YouTube video your speakers don’t sound very good. Sorry. 

"I read every posts in this thread and there is none promoting my products"

Promotion of your product:

1) You started a thread to get people to listen to a clip of your speakers

2) Then your comments:

     - " WT is closest to the orig music and WT is natural sound like the orig music"

     - "WT is the most closest to that voice. There are flesh, bones, and focus like real music in WT sounds to my ears"

     - "Both orig music and WT sounds are very much similar than with M3 sound.     if WT sound lacking body to your ears at the time, the orig music sound might be lacking body too to your ears."

    - "your ears could be in un-natural sound hearing mode after hearing M3"

There's your promotion of your product