@dvujovic j Your PeachTree Nova is OK not great. I had the PeachTree NOVA 150 for a few years.
I suggest you take a chance and buy the Peachtree GAN1 and the BluesNode streamer for sub integration, analog input, and MAYBE volume. I am not sure about volume.
Trade in the NOVA 300 for the GAN1.
GaN 1 | Peachtree Audio
Now this will be better than what you currently have. However, if you are willing to lose the warranty. Send in the unit to Ric Shultz at TweakAudio.com and let him do the mods that he did to my unit (I was the Guinea pig for these mods).
Digital amp mods (tweakaudio.com)
This unit is so good now that I sold $7K of gear that became redundant.
In the past, I spent around $30K to drive my RAAL SR1a headphones using 2-channel gear. The modded GAN1 is better than that on my headphones and comparable to the the 2-channel gear on my 2-channel speakers.
Since you already have a NOVA 300 this trade-in and mod is something economical.
BTW - In the PeachTree hierarchy, in a scale of 1-to-10. My old Nova 150 was a 1/10 and the GAN1 is a 10/10.
BTW2 - I use a Lumin X1 DAC as a SPDIF streamer to the GAN1 via fibre optic input to the X1. This is a $15K streamer and likely much better than the Bluesnode streamer. However, the NODE give you sub integration and analog input. Both of which I lack on my X1 streamer.
BTW3 - I think what I am suggesting is similar to Mark Levinson’s new company and product.
Maria Amplifiers – Daniel Hertz SA