Dear @mijostyn : Due what you posted in this and other threads like the one thread you just posted I think that you are in the audio periodtime to fine tune your room/system and I already past that audio period/time with my room system years ago when I attended to a live concert seated at near field position and if I had the LP/CD of that concert that same nigth I compared the recording against what I just listened, not any more.
From some time now I’m centered to just enjoy MUSIC, all what you posted in your thread already gone for me.
Anyway, this last weekend I make a cartridges check-up ( I make time to time quick room/system check ups. ) around 10 of the cartridges that normally are in rotation, some vitge/today, and check its cantilevers and ( not a surprise for me ) all are just straigth even that I have some years with out AS.
I choose 4 of them to test it using the Telarc 1812 LP that’s all over the Overture just demanding and " fortunatelly " with no single mistracking that I could be aware but one of the cartridges that had a tiny mistracking in the last cannon shot at the end of the score abut this last shot is a true obstacule/wall to almost any cartridge. So , I’m fine whith out that " distress " set up the " rigth " AS that just does not exist.
Btw, you have not to much time that you discovery the JC test for the AS. I do it and did it at least for the last 15+ years and never had the opportunity to read JC advise that's just common sense.