CD player NOT made in China under $1,000?

Is there a CD player NOT Made in China, but preferably Made in Quality, under $1,000?
This may or may not be an example. PS Audio made the Digital Link III in California under the watchful eye of Cullen. When the finished product was fully released it was stellar. Then the production was moved to China. Cullen had no more responsibility for the product. Mine was made in China and PS Audio will stand behind it. However, the split between Cullen and Paul is an example of the issue of quality control. Once a product is made in China, the company loses some control over the product. Even if company managers are on site, changing supplies and QC are issues. You will not find those issues in Japan, the US or England. Cullen will take DL III units and "bring them up to spec" before he does his mods. That should tell us something. Another example is the fact that my Onkyo 805 is made in Japan. It has worked flawlessly since I bought it. The less expensive 505 I bought for a simple living room system was made in China and lasted one hour before self-destructing. The service rep who took my call and gave me a RMA was "ho-hum". It had happened many times before. Make no mistake, there are quality products from China, but the quality is highly variable and the issue of returns and repairs is problematic. In my experience, it is indeed safer to buy from a company that designs and manufactures their product in the US or Canada or England. Its your money, do what you will. Caveat emptor.
To answer the original question, I just bought a brand new Rega Apollo, which is 1100, and it blows away any other player I have ever heard, including ones that cost 5 times that. I haven't heard any above that level, I should add. What I like the best about it is the sound of it - they mitigate some of the harshness of most digital players, trying to make it sound as close to analog as they can. Anything else I have ever heard in the price range you are talking about does not come close - much brighter and harsher sound, and certainly not nearly as well built.
Well, I just received my new end-of-line Cyrus CD6S. It is quite an improvement over my ageing Arcam Alpha 7SE. The Cyrus is beautifully presented, and the attention to detail is reassuring; i.e. the instruction manual is well written and printed, the remote is very logical and, of course, the sound is beautiful - very detailed.

The negative point is the tray mechanism, as pointed out in other reviews. It sounds like a cheap PC CD drive. It is purely esthetical and occurs only when loading or unloading the CD; it does not otherwise affect the performance of the machine. The newer models have a CD swallowing mechanism (slot loading) instead - not sure if I would have preferred that.

Anyway, another beauty of this beast is that it can be upgraded to various upper models, including the latest one, if desired.

I understand there is still a small supply of Cyrus CD6S end-of-line units at bargain prices.
if you don't mind going for something alittle longer in the tooth try an Arcam CD92 or 23. last of the dCS dac UK made players if I'm not mistaken. i downsized from both ARC CD3 MK2/Cary 306/200 to a CD23t & have had no urge to upgrade, none
Rega and Oppo might be in your price point...

But if you are looking for great sound, I would seriously look into a good DAC, like Benchmark's DAC? and then use what you have as transport?

VERY hard to find a good HiEnd HiFi player for under $1000, from any country. But then again, i have expensive taste...

I am Taiwanese, and i'm very involved in Taiwanese manufacturing field, so I try not to buy Made in China products (such as ones you see in WalMart).
But if you are talking about Chinese 'HiFi', hard to beat the Chinese. Brands such as Opera/Consonance/Cayin are very reputable, and even well received in Japan, especially so if you are talking about analogue/tube based hifi equipments. I have to say...They do sound GOOD.

It is misconception that Chinese workers are uneducated and unskilled. Underpaid, Yes. But the Chinese have VERY highly educated workforce. (well people in the coastal cities...)

And if you are talking about outsourced products, Chinese are not going to over engineer something, they build to designed spec. They would only do enough QC/QA as needed to meet specified price. If you want something as cheap as possible to satisfy mass American retail market. You want junk, they will give you junk.