Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?

In researching SET amps, I have learned a lot more about the sort of high efficiency speakers that they are typically paired with, including single driver models like Omega, Blumenstein, Teresonic, etc.
The advantages of these designs are well acknowledged: coherence, imaging, high-efficiency and so forth.
At the same time, there seem to be equally well acknowledged drawbacks to these designs: Limited bass response, rolled off highs, and a harshness or "shout" in the upper midrange.
Some designers, like Tekton and Zu, seem to take the approach of getting the best of all worlds by joining a wide range driver to a tweeter of some sort. (To some extent, my Reference 3AM De Capo monitors take this approach.)
What I'm curious to learn is whether you think there are any single driver, full range systems that transcend the above limitations.
Eager to hear your thoughts.
I'm taken but not surprised to read all the negatives about single driver speakers. Yes, they have their limitations but some are executed quite nicely. I had some Hornshoppe Horns that were very satisfying for a couple of years but I decided it was time to move on and I got some Tonian Labs Tl-D1s that are basically, a single driver speaker augmented by a super tweeter and it's been all I've needed since.

The designer, Tony Manasian, also had some great PHY based speakers that would likely keep me happy for a long time even if he didn't have the tweeters.

It all depends on what floats your boat and what you float that boat with. Calm waters are an easier load for a smaller, lighter vessel while rougher waters are handled by an entirely different, more robust vessel. Synergy is required for everything to work properly.

All the best,
The right 2 way system with a compression driver would open up your ears and eyes. Small room, yes. Directness, yes. Much lower distortion, great dynamics.
All fullrange driver get some weakness points, it is reason
why audiophile prefer traditional 3 way design. The best
idea the using Full range driver in 500-10000 Hz region.
No any full range driver FRD coudnt compare with good woofer
Any whizzer cone coudnt compare with Air transformer to
produce good high, any thing else is the dreams. Also
all FRD get suckout in midbass, so if you add Sub is not solve the problem
Well, saying what audiophiles prefer is not necessarily a great point of credibility, based on what sells in the audiophile market! How about what music lovers prefer?
Okay THANK YOU! :-)
Got the first box from Brian a couple of days ago and will post blog photos and pics soon. Packed like a labor of love, I'll say that!
Two more boxes to go. One heavy one with transformers due in a couple of days and a third after that with some tubes that were backordered.
No plans to dump my De Capos any time soon...