Does your system sound “better” after being away?

I just had to travel for work for a week and really didn’t listen to any music at all.  Returning home and listening to my system, it sounded glorious to me and I lost any burning desire for upgrades.  Same with my more modest office system, maybe even more so.  Is this a psychological phenomenon of losing my audio frame of reference, or did my ears rest and I’m hearing more?  In any case, it has provided new perspective and appreciation for all the tweaking I have done over the years.

Have you had a similar experience?

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If I get away from my system for a couple of days, it takes an hour or two to hear what I like about it. I think it's just the nature of the ear/brain connection. I'm not a hearing specialist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!!!!

@pabs85 good and often overlooked point, the hobby should have some connection to musicality to the listener’s ear, and not just about hifi pyrotechnics.  But.  While I have liked well recorded classical music on my analogue front end for some time, I never really got much enjoyment out of it from my digital front end until I got a Chord dac.  YMMV.


Yes. As much as I love my music collection, system and room, I find that listening day after day becomes less charming after 5 or 6 days. Too much of a good thing. Taking a break for a day or two seems to re-set my ears and musical appetite.