Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?

Been living with the A3's for a little over 2 years. 8 feet apart 8 feet to listening position, 2 feet off back wall, 2 feet off side walls.

The magico apod footers, in my case with extra long spikes to penetrate carpet and padding made a large difference, both in imaging and clean tonality.

Also found big improvements with a coupla sound treatment panels between the speakers. 

Without footers and panels, good, with-->much much better, possibly great.

I would be interested in more talk of the A5 sound as I have those at the top of my list.  I don't trust the closest dealer to demo them properly.

I have the A5.

Love ‘em!!

Low distortion, dynamic, and throw a great soundstage.  They benefit from careful set up, especially as they crank out a lot of bass energy.  They like power too.

They are ultra revealing but musical as long as you feed them quality electronics and source.  System matching critical as always.

IMO the A5 punches above its weight.  Per dollar the best Magico.

I own the Magico A3's since their release - first production, price was $9500. To appreciate speakers one must live with them through different types of music, components and length of time. Every now and then when I am listening to a certain song, I look up at the speakers and say to myself: that is sweet! I am in a relatively large NYC apartment, and these are the largest speakers I can fit in my LR. I am always envying this or that component, but not speakers. Neal

I own the A-5 and like them a lot.  The only fault I can find is that they don't cast a 3D image as well as most Wilson's do. I attribute that to the lack of time alignment.