Audio Research in Receivership.

Papers were filed on Friday. Some say AR’s doors are closed for business. 


@ronboco @soix  Private Equity doesn't give a f****** s*** about Brand Equity -- preserving it, that is. They will fake a savior pose, as they always do, while draining everything for asset value. What wealthy, generous, public-spirited, devoted audiophile with management skill is gonna outbid the bloodsuckers? I always felt that ARC was the industry flagship, and if That One ever went belly-up, it would mean game over. Please, Athena, prove me wrong and transform the Erinyes.


@hickamore You can’t generalize like that.  There have been several excellent brands that have been rescued and continue to innovate and produce quality products.  Like I said before, it all depends on who buys them.  

Why would audio research be owing money too so many dealers?

is it due to returns of unsold merchandise to AR for which dealers were waiting payment on?


Post removed 

That is very sad news. Second piece of sad new I received today ( a dear friend passed away a day after back surgery). I believe that Audio Research could have revived their brand, by appealing to the average income audiophile. Those that can afford a whole system around Audio Research’s latest product line are not many. That choice inevitably means running into very stiff competition from brands that are dominant. It would have been interesting to see Audio Research design products for the market to compete with more affordable brands.