1. Energy 22 Reference Connoisseur loudspeakers that retailed for $2400 USD in 1989 in Teakwood veneer, that I scored for $500 in factory cartons. Still have but replaced them only 14 months ago. Amazing 2-way floorstanding monitors.
2. Full-blown mod of Energy 22’s in 2018 by Agon member, Grannyring. Amazing improvement from top shelf caps, resistors, wires, custom stolen air-core inductors and binding posts.
3. Synergistic Purple fuse in Innuos Zenith Mk 3.
4. Audiocrast Spring pods for under speakers
5. KEF KC62 subwoofer added to Lyngdorf 3400- Audiovector Arrete’-Innuos rig. So amazing. A second one will be installed.
6. Perfect Path Technologies PPT Omega E Mats.
7. Audiovector Freedom Grounding cable.