the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?

I am curious how the experts choose speakers when upgrading? What are the priorities, what would make you stretch your budget?

Based on e.g....

  • brand/company’s reputation
  • price
  • sensitivity
  • crossover frequency
  • compatibility with existing amp, etc.?

I don’t have buyer’s remorse for my last pair but I sure made some stupid choices until I got there, that I could have avoided if I had known about this forum sooner.



I don't consider myself an expert, but to me the overwhelmingly most significant criteria are how they sound and work in my room.  Price is always a consideration, but the specs, brands, design, etc., mean little in comparison to their sound. 

Probably none you list, at least for me.  It's only based on the outcome of listening, and using music I am familiar with that I play at home.  Of course price is always a factor.

@knotscott @rpeluso so that means you need to demo it at home or at the dealer? Do you narrow down your list based on something(s) for what you would demo?