Dear Bo,
I actually didn't expect further arrogance from such an indefensible position but from your above quote: "It is as it is. Maybe it sounds hard, it is not rude. Words can be read differently." It appears you just may not know any better!
Here is the original comment from Atmasphere: "Even a cheap system should image and play depth. More has to do with setup (not just placement of the speakers in the room) than anything else."
Followed by your reply: "When I read this nonsense you don't understand audio."
Now Bo, I'm not a master of the English language but I understand it reasonably well for an American, LOL. Your reply to Atmashpere was rude and dumb. Period. You seem to enjoy an absolute position on issues rather than taking a more defensible position.
Google Ralph Karsten and Atma Sphere Amplifiers and his almost 40 years of designing world class tube electronics trumps you being a dealer for Onkyo or Primare or any other brand desperate enough to allow you to stock their wares, IMHO. I'm also a fan of Pass Labs gear although I do not presently own any but I am 100% positive if you called Nelson Pass personally, provided he would take your call, he would tell you that Ralph knows his stuff. As a dealer, I can imagine that a stop into your store (provided it is a store and not in your parent's basement) would involve an IMMENSE AMOUNT of hearing you talk, which I personally would find less than desirable.
I doubt that Ralph will chime in further because he wisely steers away from controversy. He was just trying to give some free advice to the original poster based on his decades of REAL experience. You, on the other hand appear to have this intense desire to be viewed as the absolute authority on any subject without the requisite skills to back it up. I'm not saying I'm an authority on anything, especially audio, I just happen to enjoy it. I am reasonably experienced though at spotting bullies, ingrates, idiots, morons and other undesirables and you sir are beginning to check off some of those boxes. I am sure though, after reading up on Ralph's accomplishments and his extraordinary experience, you will publicly soften your position and stabilize what little is left of your waning credibility.
In the meantime, and until such time as you rethink your offensive stance, I would advise others to take your unsolicited "professional" advice and file it away with the old newspapers and used tissues.
I actually didn't expect further arrogance from such an indefensible position but from your above quote: "It is as it is. Maybe it sounds hard, it is not rude. Words can be read differently." It appears you just may not know any better!
Here is the original comment from Atmasphere: "Even a cheap system should image and play depth. More has to do with setup (not just placement of the speakers in the room) than anything else."
Followed by your reply: "When I read this nonsense you don't understand audio."
Now Bo, I'm not a master of the English language but I understand it reasonably well for an American, LOL. Your reply to Atmashpere was rude and dumb. Period. You seem to enjoy an absolute position on issues rather than taking a more defensible position.
Google Ralph Karsten and Atma Sphere Amplifiers and his almost 40 years of designing world class tube electronics trumps you being a dealer for Onkyo or Primare or any other brand desperate enough to allow you to stock their wares, IMHO. I'm also a fan of Pass Labs gear although I do not presently own any but I am 100% positive if you called Nelson Pass personally, provided he would take your call, he would tell you that Ralph knows his stuff. As a dealer, I can imagine that a stop into your store (provided it is a store and not in your parent's basement) would involve an IMMENSE AMOUNT of hearing you talk, which I personally would find less than desirable.
I doubt that Ralph will chime in further because he wisely steers away from controversy. He was just trying to give some free advice to the original poster based on his decades of REAL experience. You, on the other hand appear to have this intense desire to be viewed as the absolute authority on any subject without the requisite skills to back it up. I'm not saying I'm an authority on anything, especially audio, I just happen to enjoy it. I am reasonably experienced though at spotting bullies, ingrates, idiots, morons and other undesirables and you sir are beginning to check off some of those boxes. I am sure though, after reading up on Ralph's accomplishments and his extraordinary experience, you will publicly soften your position and stabilize what little is left of your waning credibility.
In the meantime, and until such time as you rethink your offensive stance, I would advise others to take your unsolicited "professional" advice and file it away with the old newspapers and used tissues.