Decware ZMA is probably about the best you'll find in "high power".
Looking for high power warming sounding tube amps
Right now running bottlehead moreplay into pass x350.8. Speakers are ns5000. The sound is great but my buddy let me borrow cj lp140ms and the mid range magic these amps brought was amazing. The pass had better bass and maybe detail.
I wanted to see if I could get tube amps that had pass bass with romance of cj. I tried prima luna evo 300 but it was a step down from cj in terms soundstage and tone.
I'm guessing I need more power.. maybe at least 100 wpc. Any recommendations looking to spend less than $7k.
That is a nice representative amplifier list and reinforces @ghdprentice listening impressions and the distinctions he heard. I realize that it depends on what type of sound performance or sonic character one is seeking. Ramp up the utilization of NFB and the amplifier’s output impedance is lowered while inversely the DF increases. So again, what is the individual listener trying to obtain/achieve? |