@mofojo said:
Preamp with nothing connected to it causes same issue.
Did you install a ground cheater on the krell power cord like I asked? If yes, still a loud hum? Ground cheater on the Krell amp only. Nothing connected to preamp inputs...
I assume the preamp and front end equipment using the other amp you were using before worked fine. No hum?... No ground loop 60Hz hum?
I asked about the power cord because I would bet the AC wiring polarity is correct on an OEM power cord. That’s not always the case with an aftermarket power cord. The only way to know the cord is wired correctly is to check it. If wired wrong the mistake is usually at the female IEC connector. The Hot and Neutral will be reversed.
The Krell KSA 200s has an usual AC mains wiring configuration. Not sure what would happen if the polarity, Hot and Neutral, were reversed. The soft start circuit is different as well. I tried to see if there was a component on the AC mains side of the amp before the primary winding of the power transformer that may be leaking a small amount of current to the chassis.