Krell KSA 200s ground hum

I picked up this amp a week ago and I REALLY like it. When I first plugged it in with nothing attached except speakers it was silent. Like small hiss from an inch away but one of the more silent pieces I have had. As soon as I hooked up an rca from my preamp there it was. Loud ground hum. So right now I have floated the ground with cheater plugs on everything in the chain. Silence all is good with the cheater plugs and the system sounds great. If I take the cheater plug off of any of the 5 pieces in the chain it’s back! All same outlet and dedicated 10 gage line. I mean I’m “ok” with the cheater plugs if need be but…….. any ideas? 


I REALLY appreciate the ideas! You guys are kinda talking over my head right now. Not sure what was said in the last few posts that I can physically apply or check for a resolution. I need something like :


take your meter, put it here..

look for this…. 

if this is this then it’s probably this… lol


Cool, I had that Amp, the hum was unreal, it would hum Loud when it was off on standby and kick up in the morning when the Mr. Coffee came on. It blew fuses and Tannoy drivers with abandon. Go to eBay and find those amp fuses now. Kicked ass tho.

@strawj said:

I had that Amp, the hum was unreal, it would hum Loud when it was off on standby and kick up in the morning when the Mr. Coffee came on.

If I understand your post correctly the loud hum you heard from the Krell Amp was a mechanical hum from the large Toroidal power transformer in the amp. Large Toroidal power transformers are very susceptible to DC offset on the AC power mains. It doesn’t take much DC on the Line to cause the Toroid transformer to mechanically vibrate loudly either. Big boys like Pass Labs, Bryston, and others manufacturers install DC Blocker circuitry in their power amps that use toroid power transformers... Krell does not. At least they never used to...

Easy fix, buy an outboard DC blocker and plug the Krell amp into it. That should block the DC from getting on the primary winding of the toroid transformer in the amp. Well maybe it will block the DC IF the DC blocker is sized for the VA rating of the toroid power transformer in the amp.
