This thread got me thinking about how my whole family was pretty caught up in music. My mother and sister were both very involved in the stereo system - at least as much as me and my dad. They had their albums and they loved to play them loud, all the way through. The musical tastes were a bit different for each of us but we enjoyed each other's music. Skip forward to the present, I'm in my 50s, my sister just turned 60. When she comes over we still find time to sit down in front of the stereo and listen to music, sharing our latest finds. My mother passed away last summer. She was using a pair of Klipschorns I left at her house, and she too would sit down with me to listen to an album from time to time. I should say none of my family members ever got caught up in the hifi sound quality game like I did. They just wanted convenient, decent sounding, reasonably affordable systems. My mom appreciated the Klipschorns I left at her place because they're loud, and her hearing wasn't so good later in life.
I also have a younger sister - 14 years younger. I was gone in the Navy for much of the time she was growing up. But I learned more recently that she is very familiar with all of my mom and dad's albums, and all of my classical CDs I left at the house. She listened to all of those CDs all the way through multiple times with her friends.