The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs

I am a admittedly noob, so please forgive my ignorance. Recently, have had the pleasure of getting a Innuos pulse mini, what a game changer! I knew that with the mini you cant buy music, only stream. Using Qoboz, is there’s a difference in sq between the two? I live on a fixed income so I have to be frugal and am trying to figure out where it’s best spent. Thanks so much for any info on this subject.


I think the short answer is that you are unlikely to discern a material difference in SQ between streams and purchased music on Qobuz and it's not the place to spend your money

streaming is a great way to enjoy music in a cost effective manner. I think SQ is better on my vinyl setup but not so much better to make up for the millions of songs streaming makes available at the touch of a button may a very low cost 


If you are on a fixed income and do not already have a collection of physical media, I would definitely stream only.  I personally prefer the sound quality of CDs or downloads, but it isn’t a night and day thing, as streaming gets very close


show ANY proof for the below….

With local file playback, you typically bypass any network processing, and even a lower resolution file can sound better due to less digital errors and lower noise.

I wanted to buy my entire playlist so in case Qobuz went away at least I would have the songs it took me years to assemble. Qobuz said they don’t offer that choice so hoped they will be around for a long time. 

I think it is a good idea to download the files that you feel you can't live without. I like classical music and I am fed up with the amount of times that I go to listen to something on Qobuz that I haven't listened to for a month only to have an annoying page flash up with a large OOPS !! That means you can no longer get that stream and it is damned annoying , so buy what you really like from the new streams as they may not be there for very long.