Class D ICEpower 1200as2 vs. Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifiers


Has anyone compared the ICEpower 1200as2 vs. Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifier in their hifi setup?  Legacy Audio uses the ICEpower module in their i-V2 Ultra and Doug Schroeder did a nice review on it.  I first read about the i-V2 Ultra in Doug's review on the Pure Audio Project Trio15/Coax10 review.  I just ordered these speakers, so I am interested in this amp.  I researched a myriad of class D amps and I've narrowed down my interest to the following; GaNFet (AGD Audion), Purifi (Apollon w/Sparkos opamp), MOSFET (Bel Canto REF601M) and ICEPower (Legacy Audio I-V2 Ultra). 


I know ICEpower modules are older class D technology, but if they are equal or outperform the latest offerings, that's all that matters to me.  Plus, I understand they are reliable as they have been around for a long time. 


I owned PS Audio's M700's and S300 amps which use ICEPower modules and they sounded really good, but I sold them several years ago to explore the world of tubes.  I'm back to solid state now and interested in the latest class D offerings.


Any impressions/experience with the icepower 1200as2 vs. Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifiers are welcomed.  I've already read good reviews on both of them, so a comparison between the two would be most helpful.  In addition, let me know if you have compared any of the class D amps in my list in the first paragraph.  I understand I need to hear them for myself, but I still appreciate your opinions!


Thanks in advance


FYI: the ICEpower 1200 AS1 is a mono module, the 1200 AS2 is a stereo/2 channel module

I have enjoyed a Tweak Audio EVS 1200 (dual 1200 AS1s , no tube input) for a couple years now. The twin mono modules are modified by Ric Schultz

I had the PS Audio M700s for maybe 4 months. My room is physically and volumetrically large, the M700s were underwhelming in it even though my Emerald Physics 3.4s (open baffle) are very efficient. The EVS 1200 rocks the room.

I seriously doubt PSAs M1200s are using the 1200 AS2s, most likely based on the 1200 AS1s

I also have a LSA Voyager GaN 350, which I like even better, but when moving from a vertical to horizontal rack. The lid was resting sideways to top. The amp slipped off a cushion and the lid crashed into one module. When I had all my kit in place and connected I turned the amp on to a 4th of July fireworks in one GaN module, so the EVS 1200 went back in. Occasionally I hear a bit of hardness, that was not present in the Voyager


I have been using class D for years now: Jeff Rowland, Bel Canto, LSA Voyager, and settled on two AGD Tempo stereo amps to bi-amp. Very pleased with AGD fed by a Backert Labs Rhythm line stage. 

I believe the Rowlands were ICE, but unfortunately I used them bridged which was not their best.

The Bel Canto 600 monos were very rolled off from the upper mids to the hi frequencies. Kind of a lifeless presentation.

The Voyager (GaN) is surprisingly good for its price.

The AGDs (also GaN) are great all around, smooth, dynamic, neutral, resolving. Love them.

I have a pair of ESLabs DX-S4 which I've been happily using for over 5 years, although one is broken due to a mouse pissing on the board when I had the top off! I'm using one in stereo mode to drive my Maggie 1.7i's, and it sounds really good. I've compared it with several other well known, high class amps, Class A/B and A, and it sounds better than amps costing several times the price of the ESLabs which when they were new, were about £1750 each. They're probably 15 years old now, but still sound great. ES actually call them Class T, as they use a Tripath module to drive two pairs of MosFets - one pair per channel, at 180w into 8Ω, 300 into 4Ω and 200w into 2Ω. In bridged mode it gives 500w into 8Ω using all four output devices, and double the current.

Ignore people who say Class D is rubbish, as they've probably not even heard any!

I would suggest trying one of the Axiom Audio ADA series amps. The have amazing amounts of headroom and are very neutral, detailed and open sounding with none of the typical Class D harshness. They use a massive transformer and a lot of storage capacitance. I believe they have a 30 day in home trial. I am using a 4 channel one in a tri-amp set up and love it. They do not use the ICE chips, they use their own patented set up.

I seriously doubt PSAs M1200s are using the 1200 AS2s, most likely based on the 1200 AS1s


But it's not just a standard AS1s.  According to reports it was modified by PS Audio (with IcePower guidance)  to marry it to a tube input stage, for better or worse.