Define power hungry...B&W speakers

I need to know what is important in amplification to power my B&W CDM 1NT's. Rated from 50-125 I believe. How much minimum power is necessary, damping factor, etc. What specs are important to me?
Thank you!
B&W's are traditionally easy to drive 8 ohm speakers and watts are cheap!
wow! that's a new one on me. B&Ws are easy to drive 8 ohms speakers? Really? I did not know this - from my experience & every time I've heard them they've been nothing short of a difficult load for the amp.
I might be missing something here.......
"I might be missing something here......."

They are easy to drive. (For a powerful amp)
Any answers... Amplifier specs don't really matter then? If specs are so subjective why do manufacturer's post damping factor, slew rates, etc. Where do I go to get a foundation of data, that counts, to begin a short list of amplifiers that meet a minimum criteria.

Question then: I've read a 50w Naim has no problem with B&W speakers. I've also read that I should focus on 100+watts to get the detail out of my
"Power Hungry" speakers. What details in the Naim specs should I look at to see how they do it?

Frustratingly fun! Thanks for your response.
Your speaker B&W CDM 1NT's. Rated from 50-125.
I always use the highest number 125 as my minimum criteria to avoid any frustrating tweak and just enjoy music. So far it's working for me.
"12-17-14: Tntate
Any answers... Amplifier specs don't really matter then? If specs are so subjective why do manufacturer's post damping factor, slew rates, etc. Where do I go to get a foundation of data, that counts, to begin a short list of amplifiers that meet a minimum criteria."

I didn't say that amp specs don't matter, or that they are subjective. I said that there's no set standard that all of the manufacturers use to measure their amps. There's a big difference. I don't have time now, but I'll post later with more details on what I mean.