Bass only when I stand up…

Weird experience.

Wired up my system and sit down in my office chair. The bass disappeared. Stand up, and alakazam, the bass is back full and wonderful. It’s like swimming in the sea, there are horizontal layers of different temperatures. Quite distinct.

Ok, system info:

Speakers - PMC MB2SE

Power amp - Marantz 8807

Preamp - Marantz 8005

Sources - Pioneer LX800 or N70ae

Room - carpeted, 4.27x5.5x2.75m, acoustic insulated plasterboard and timber frame

Shape? Left side where door is, has duct risers that create 800mm boxes either side of the door. I’ve tried attaching a photo but didn’t work. Try here: link

Speakers placed 600mm out from the 4.27 wall, with the opposite wall being a library and office desk.

Tried? Raising front and rear speaker stands 1” to point speakers up or down slightly with no effect.

I welcome ideas 💡 yet realize there are constraints here too.




plant caddies can work for your method of finding placement

a front block to angle them vertically is needed to alter the angles of directivity and reflections off all surfaces

a single/stack of long paint mixers can find the right height, then something nicer looking, secured.

I would not use the spikes, I’ve used them, no advantage heard, they are limiting, prevents easy alternate toe-in when a friend visits, I gave them to my friend, he used them, then not. His imaging wonderful when in center, gone when sitting off center without altering toe-in. Magnificent system, superior imaging, years of acquisitions/expenditures, just strong left when left of center, ... SUCKS.

Mine, original toe in, sitting off center: ok/better than many due to horns with wide horizontal dispersion, narrow vertical dispersion, BUT not great, so much better when aimed at each listening position.

I guess if you don’t have friends over often and you believe in spikes ....

After you find a location and vertical angle, compare with/without spikes. IF you don’t hear a difference, forget what ’should be better’. Ability to move/alter toe-in/maintain wide imaging when desired is far more important

Bass traps in the corners will remove mudiness in the bass notes but they are not a cure for no bass. Ie. Bass traps don’t make more bass, they make the bass you have better.

Absolutely agree, except in the case if the OP has to work in the "constraints" of his room placement and winds up with the only place for his listening position that doesn’t have a "null" has a slight "peak". I shouldn’t have phrased the traps in tandem with speaker placement. Appreciate the clarification!

plant caddies can work for your method of finding placement

My wife’s a total green thumb; but this idea never popped into my mind; great suggestion!  My narrow-minded thinking could only picture "walking" the beasties around the room in a sea of sweat. 😆

Did a quick analysis here:


Your speakers and listening location are not ideal due to the modes that will express most strongly at the ends of the room between 30 and 70 Hz. The location of your library/desk area also limit bass traps to the ceiling and far wall, so whatever you use it has to be super effective per square foot.

If possible, move the speakers further out into the room.  At least twice as far.

Start with floor to ceiling GIK soffit traps in the area behind the speakers. This should help a great deal. If that’s not enough add soffit traps across the top and bottom of the far wall. You can also consider using monster traps there as well.

I don’t think you’ll need the range limiter unless you also feel your system starts to sound thin after the soffit traps. If that’s STILL not enough you’ll need to put soffit traps from the top of the traps behind the speakers to the edge of your bookshelves.