McIntosh to Luxman?

Hey everybody. I need some advice.  It's fair to say I've lusted over Luxman equipment for a few years now.  Something about Japanese hifi that just gets me. Anyway, one of the online retailers of new and used equipment has a Luxman L-507uX (not the mark ii) for sale.  I do really like the sound from my hybrid MA252 integrated, and it drives my Maggie 1.7s with ease.  Most of my listening is of the streaming variety (Bludesound Node/Qobuz), and some vinyl (Music Hall MMF-5). 

Here's my question: what will the Luxman bring me that the McIntosh isn't providing?   More refinement?  More authoritative bass? Better soundstaging?  If the answer is yes, then I may pull the trigger on the Luxman.  By the way, I can get a nice trade-in on my McIntosh, so my out-of-pocket won't be too bad.    Please weigh-in if you've had both McIntosh and Luxman gear and what your experience with both brands has been.   Thanks in advance!   ~ Jerry




I can see your point!  For me I feel that almost all pieces of music has a certain dynamic range,.  What I mean by that is that there is a difference between the loudest and softest passages. Believe it or not even some audio gear has a distinctive dynamic range, though in this case the term. This defines rye distinct boundaries of what your equipment is capable of producing.  From what I have experienced in the music industry is that Dynamics, Harmony, Melody, along with Rhythm are essential to making music pleasurable and compelling to listen to at times.  That was the toughest decision equipment wise, I had to make in giving up the Maggie’s as they do so many things well. I do miss having the brand within my system at times. 


***Believe it or not even some audio gear has a distinctive dynamic range.  This defines  the distinct boundaries of what your equipment is capable of producing.

Hey all, Happy Thursday! The MA252 was boxed and shipped to CO yesterday. No doubts and no regrets (yet).  The Luxman is a really cool piece of gear.  I'm still in the "get to know you" stage, and it's been a lot of fun!  We'll be doing some construction in the kitchen & listening room (taking down a wall, going to open concept), and smaller Maggies are definitely in my future.  The 1.7s are just too big.

Thanks to all for the lively discussion.  Take care...Jerry  

I also grew up with a mcintosh in the house,  and when it was my turn to buy I auditioned a lot of the mcintosh amps. The ma5300 and ma7200 were just okay and I can understand a lot of the criticisms here about the veiled treble and lack of resolution.  I felt that way too. But then I went to a top Mcintosh dealer here in S. Cal, the AV Source and auditioned the ma352 and ma8900 with Sonus Faber Nova l, 2, and 3s. The clarity was absolutely stunning and crystal clear. Literally sounded life-like, organic, and real.  I think a lot of people who are saying the amps never sounded resolving probably weren't using the right cables,.conditioners, and speaker combos. It took me a lot of time to find and money to find the right combinations, but my ma352 now is highly resolving and engaging. I use a synergistic research loom for power cords and interconnects, and a portable, battery operated power supply. In my set up the clarity is crystal clear , but it wasn't always that way .