@mr_m wrote: Lumin is over priced. Period...
Well, please elaborate then. You're so certain they're overpriced, so let's hear your detailed findings.
Well, please elaborate then. You're so certain they're overpriced, so let's hear your detailed findings. |
I own a few Lumin including the U1. They are dinosaurs since I discovered I2S sounds so much better on any device than Lumin old school connections. The Lumins all are pulled from my systems now. Replacing with Matrix Audio Element S and Pi2 Design Mercury 2 now. Why Lumin does not embrace I2S and wifi I do not know. |
Hey @calieng, if you don’t want those Lumin’s, just send them my way. I’ll gladly pay shipping. Thanks. |
https://www.matrix-digi.com/product/90/element_S https://www.pi2design.com/mercury-streamer-v2.html
The Lumin streamers are still useable if you have a DDC. So Lumin to Denafrips Iris DDC to Venus II DAC. I tried that last night and it sounds really good. The main point is that I2S into the DAC is much better than USB. Whether you do it direct in from the streamer or you need a DDC to convert from USB to I2S. I actually have a GAIA DDC on order now for my main system. |