Describe the "new HiFi sound"?

Recently had a discussion with an audio friend over the word "musical" and what this word means to each of us with regard to sound from different amplifiers and speakers. Some debate too.  And, reading this other comment on Agon once in a some equipment has the "new HiFi sound".  


Can someone describe this, in your words, what is the new HiFi Sound to you?  Examples? Or, opposites of the new HiFi sound, what does this sound like?




Post removed 

Less warm.  

More neutral.

More accurate.  

Overly detailed.

Tube preamps that don't sound like tubes. 

@hoodjem re: "Tube preamps that don’t sound like tubes".


Watched a reviewer last week who reported something about a new tube integrated amp that sounded just like a basic solid state amp. Imagine if we had [new] vinyl records coming out which sounded like early 1980s CDs.

Is it new engineers lacking ears -or- possibly no reference to what a musical system can truly sound like? Maybe being true to music is not the goal for some, or simply making more noise pointed at the listener from 8 different directions is "quad" x 2 all over again. Different strokes for different folks. Well people keep on trying stuff to see what sticks, perhaps :) The consumers will decide.