how to upload picture here ? my room photo was in my computer hardisk.
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need advise, which is the weakest link in my audio chain
Hi all, i am new here and this is my first post.
need some opinion and advise, which gear do you think is the weakest link that i should improve/change.
i wish to have sweet sound and detail but not fatiguing
my experience on current setup not really meet my preference :-
- a bit forward sound
- sometime may a little dry/harsh sounding when source recording is poor
- lack of sweet top end
pre amp - bryston bp6
power amp - lexicon nt-212 (same as bryston 3bst)
speaker - spendor sp1
cd player - marantz cd6006
dac - rega dac
tuner - yamaha t1 & sony st-sa5es
sorry for my poor english.
thank you.
Create your virtual systems page and upload the photos. How Do I Create and Edit My Virtual System?
@nagasakti70 just curious how thick are the absorption panels. You mentioned the sound becomes dull when you place the absorbers on the side walls. Also what is the material used in the panels? If it’s foam it would explain the effect. With quality absorption on side walls you should hear more focus and details in the soundstage. So something is off… |
+2 @baylinor Only thing I can add is maybe try headphones. |