Is there a ceiling limit on what you are willing to pay for an audio component?

A very informative fellow on youtube reviews high end audio gear. He pays an insane amount of money on ampifiers, speakers and digital sources. He tells you what he thinks about quality, price, customer service and performance on such brands as Magico, Boulder, Wilson Audio and many others.

So here is the question. What are YOU willing to pay for a pair of speakers? An amplifier? A DAC or turntable setup? I am interested in what you WOULD PAY, not what you have paid in the past.

For me, I cannot see myself paying over $5K on speakers and likely not more that $3K on any other component.... even if I had the kind of money Elon Musk has. Am I crazy in saying that?


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"For me, I cannot see myself paying over $5K on speakers and likely not more that $3K on any other component...."

Nothing wrong with your stance.

You simply will not experience SOTA, but SOTA equipment isn't  SOTA without a proper setup/room and recording.

Makeup for not spending the money on equipment with the room and recording.

It's all relative and depends on what you can afford and how important audio quality and music is to you. Your budget is a bit below what I would pay but there are people on this forum who can afford and do pay much more than I can afford.

If I had the money there is literally no limit to what I would spend on a component. The most I’ve put into a single component now is north of 30K. That’s still a lot less damage than a divorce or any other myriad of bad choices men make in life.

If I had it I would spend it...liberally but wisely, of course. The same goes for musical instruments and travel.

It is a function of your income / value of sound quality.

I am retired. Right now my sweet spot is $35K for speakers and ~ $20K per component… about 8 of them. If my investment portfolio were to double I would double the investment in my speakers (to Sonus Faber Lillium) and preamp (Audio Research Reference 10)… maybe my amp (Audio Research 160m to Reference 320s)…


So, I guess for me it is generally financial. My system cost many times the value of my Lexus and 4Runner… audio, far more important than automobiles.