Top two most important sound qualities

In case you didn't know, it's 2023 and this website still hasn't implemented a polling feature, so I can't define a selection of sound qualities to choose from and see results in a grouped, organized fashion. Boo hoo!


If you had to pick two of the typically referenced sound qualities that are most important to you to optimizing the enjoyment of your system, what are they? You know what I mean, right? Could be a certain frequency range and some particular quality that you for in it, or any quality that applies across all frequencies, etc.

(Note: "Sound qualities" mentioned here do not include anything that refers to physical attributes of your system or listening room, such as acoustical treatments, types of components, types of source material, physical tweaks, etc. It's only a reference to subjectively appreciated qualities.)


Tone and transparency. I want to hear everything that is recorded. It’s amazing how much more info is in a recording as you move up the latter with your equipment and cabling. 

Tonal accuracy or correct timbre (does it accurately produce an instruments sound)

Separation and total coverage of the frequency band. Highest upper register and lowest  bass/low frequency register

Mid-range warmth which my system does well. Hear my WT system and compare with $30k Taiko Audio SGM Extreme server (with Boulder amps+ Vimberg spkr) in below videos.

Original music

WT audio

Taiko Audio SGM Extreme server


Hear it at

The Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa,
3050 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Dates: June 9th-10th-11th, 2023

My room is # 372.
