Tannoy Turnberry vs Fyne 502SP?

I was planning on picking up a pair of Tannoy Turnberry speakers in the near future, but remembered about Fyne audio. While I'd love to get some of the 700 series speakers, they are just a bit beyond my budget. However, I am curious how the 502SP would stack up vs the Turnberry. Does anyone have any insight? 

They are roughly the same price, with the Turnberry's being slightly more. 


I have also been looking at the Circle Labs A200. Maybe a hybrid amp is the answer to provide a mix of good power and some tube warmth.

For me, the ideal setup has both. Never heard a solid or tube replacement for each format, not to say it doesn't exist. For tubes, I'd go 75WPC plus IMO.

@bjesien so something along the lines of the Cary Audio SLI-100? Not very familiar with that amp, but have heard good things about the brand. 

I've never heard the Cary of the Circle Labs amps so it wouldn't be right to answer, just saying they do better with more power behind them, especially if you want scale or great imaging when you start to push higher volumes especially with tubes IMO.


I would compare the 2 companies and see if there are red flags.

I don’t understand how Fyne could come up with more models than Tannoy in the 5 years of their existence.

brand since #of hifi models
Tannoy 1926 22
Fyne 2017 25

Partly it’s their packaging, and stying, they have more "skins" for similar designs.

Still, I would be wary of Fyne, facts don’t lie

Sure, Tannoy may have more executive with bigger mortgages baked into the price of the speaker, but as they say 9 women can't give birth to a child in one month. Something with Fyne does not add up....