@sunshdw Wow! That setup is killer. Those speakers are gorgeous. Is the sound signature of those like higher end Dynaudio or Sonus Faber?(are those two brands considered warmer type speakers?) Or are they more lively forward and revealing/clinical transparent sounding?
Thanks for the input on your satisfaction with the Anthem. I think maybe the integrated would be a good buy. I'm reluctant to get loaded integrated that have dacs and phono stages and crossovers all by the preamp and power supply. I am concerned that a all in one value amp may have decreased SQ, or I'd be paying for features I didn't want or would wind up upgrading externally later, etc. Maybe I should consider Hegel as well as Anthem.
@mesch , you don't sound snarky at all. I'm sure it's hard to help somebody that has no idea what they want and has no stores in their area to listen to anything. It's just gonna be a blind buy. I keep thinking if I increase my budgethat maybe I stand a better chance of getting something quality. But if it winds up too clinical and revealing as opposed to musically detailed and warm (my sound preference I believe) I'd hate to waste all that money and wind up disappointed with my purchase. So I go round and round with indecision. You and @soix and a bunch of others here have been very helpful and educational but it's really hard when I can't physically listen to the assortment of items to choose from. Plus, I want to purchase wisely and get great bang for my buck. (This will be a huge purchase for me) I don't have a super lucrative job, and it's a big budget to risk becoming. unhappy with if I make a poor choice.. Relying simply on descriptions from others instead of being able to physically hear it myself plays a big part in the indecision not to mention all the choices available and all the ranges of price points for varying gear. I keep running across stuff that interests me and it prevents me from making a decision about anything. Most recently the speakers of @sunshdw Look super appealing, As well as some triangle Delta signature speakers that are probably too big for my area. But those intrigue me as well. Anyway guys, the struggle is real. Thank you for your support and patience as I suffer through educating myself and trying to make a purchase blind (and metaphorically deaf) because I can't audition really anything in my area other than Best Buy stuff.
Budget is still $5k but I keep wanting to increase that. $5k is a good start for now for the first piece or two though. I need to be patient and build this over time with quality pieces. First amp and speakers, then dacs and wires, etc.