6DJ8 vs. 6922?

Alright tube aficionados, are 6DJ8 and 6922 tubes inter-changeable? I would ask Roger Modjeski or Tim de Paravicini, but they're both dead.

Anyone care to name their favorites of each tube, for use in phono and/or line stage pre-amps?


Wow.....ask, and ye shall receive. ;-) Thanks again, one and all.

@oddiofyl: Roger Modjeski talked about the virtues of the 6922/6DJ8 for audio use----specifically in regards to phono pickup applications, and it’s advantages over the 12AX7 (see the clio09 post above). And Tim de Paravicini, another "pretty fair" hi-fi designer (EAR-Yoshino, Luxman, Quad, Musical Fidelity) used the higher voltage 7DJ8 in his pre-amps (I own an EAR 868L).

The quietest phono/line pre-amp I’ve owned was a Dynaco PAS 2 as "modified" (redesigned, actually) by Frank Van Alstine, who used 5751’s in place of the stock 12AX7’s (cranked to full output there was only a hint of tube rush, no hum what-so-ever). So it will be interesting to see how the RM-5 compares in terms of noise. Low noise was a high priority for Modjeski. My pickups are very high output (5mV’s!), so don’t require much gain---another way to achieve low noise. The gain of the phono stage of the RM-5 is only 36dB, plenty for a 5mV signal.


bdp24, Did you see that Marty Stuart has a new album out today?

@oddiofyl e6922 isnt ruggediszed, but it is a better 6DJ8 several higher performance features including longer life. there are some in the 6DJ8 family that are either ruggedized or selected for ruggedness (tougher physical construction) like cv2492 (a version of the 6922 IIRC) )and, IIRC, a versoin of the soviet counterpart. 6n23p.